Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Very late update

I'm terrible at updating this blog, I know. So here's some recent updates.

First, I sold Oliver to the wonderful Pokori on Flickr. He was originally going to be Chase but he quickly told Pokori he wasn't Chase, but a different character. Don't you just hate it when you have a set character for your doll and then when they get there they're all like 'BAM! I'm going to be who I wanna be'?

Second, Sadie is being reshelled into a Minifee (hopefully a Rheia). And her shell of a Luts Delf Miyu has been sold on a layaway and is going to go to her new home, soon! But the bad news is I'm more than likely not going to get the Rheia for now since I don't want to be too overwhelmed with dolls all at once. 

Thirdly, I had placed an order for a "secret dolly" back at the end of January through DDE. And on April 24th, the itsy bitsy tiny Pukipuki Ante arrived to me!! I never mentioned her because I was afraid I wouldn't like the tiny size, but I do! I'm afraid I'm now addicted to tinies and I want a few more Pukipukis as well as several Pukifees. Anyways, so little Emmy is home!!

Fourthly, I plan to place an order for a Minifee Chloe soon! I'm so excited to be able to have a girly girl! And I'm also planning to order a Pukifee Luna with her. And either a Pukipuki Pongpong or a Pukifee Ante as well if I can get away with it >.>