Monday, November 19, 2012


I'm super excited to be having Oliver come to life. :3 I've been trying to plan stuff for him. I'm even working on his wardrobe instead of playing the lovely new Sims 3 Seasons EP my boyfriend surprised me with. The seller sent me his body's tracking number and it says the expected delivery date is November 23rd. That's Friday! I'll be off in Georgia, seeing my favorite band in concert! I hope my mom doesn't open him. XD She always opens my mail. I don't open her mail. -.- It's another reason that makes me want to move out.

I'm also trying to decide on an eye shape for him. Should he have normal shaped Woosoo eyes, only opened bigger? Or what? I don't know XD And I can't find a faceup artist that does good boy faceups that don't charge over $80. T.T If anything, I'll try to get a spot with Xhanthi. I would go with Eludys, but I know I'd somehow ask for a super girly face up with her. Lol. I plan on sending Luna to her.

Ohh... dolls. They are my obsession.